Visitekaartjes in steen, hout en beton
De eigen woning van de architect als commercieel instrument

The house the architect builds for himself and his family can be considered as a unique, autobiographical record. Because of the twofold role of being both designer and client, the architect can seize the opportunity to conceive his house as a manifesto, a technological experiment or as a turning point in his career. Moreover, he can also deploy his house as a commercial tool to attract future clients; as a life-size business card which demonstrates his professional expertise and ambitions.
Research into this specific building type has revealed over 330 architects’ houses built in the Brussels Capital Region between 1830 and 1970. A geographical and chronological analysis showed that many architects used their own home to take part in, or even to anticipate on, evolutions related to the extension of the urban fabric or the development of new architectural styles like art nouveau or modernism.
To fully grasp the significance of the architect’s house as a specific building type, we critically reflect on the characteristics that distinguish this project from other buildings. As such, we have identified five inherent characteristics, namely the position of the house within the oeuvre of the architect, the relationship with the future clientele, the house as working place, how the architect engages his professional network, and finally how the house relates to an earlier or future version. For instance, the ambitions and impact of a house built at the beginning or near the end of the career will be very different. It can also be particularly interesting to see whether the architect uses the house to engage with his clients in a socio-economic or geographical way. Whether and how the architect integrates an architectural studio or office in the house is often also telling for how he practices architecture, as is the way he collaborates with other building actors during the design. And if an architect built several houses for himself, the comparison of these projects generates a deeper understanding of the personal ambitions, professional development and the different space-time contexts in which the architect operates.
Through the lens of these relationships, we discuss how architects’ houses can evolve into a business card. Therefore, in relation to the architectural and professional aspirations of the architects, especially the role and impact of their own houses on their future portfolio is investigated by means of three case studies; the own house of Henri Van Massenhove (Brussels, 1894), Gustave Strauven (Brussels, 1902), and Luc Schuiten (Overijse, 1976). Each of these houses illustrates a different ambition and tells a unique story embedded in a particular context. Ranging from a model house to a personal statement, they all show the various ways in which architects’ houses can become a harbinger for the architect’s future work and how it can function as a business card, both accidentally as intentionally. As such, the analysis based on those five inherent characteristics enables us to fathom the added value of the architect’s house as a specific building type.
2 W.F. Wagner (red.), Houses architects design for themselves, New York 1974; G. Postiglione e.a. (red.), 100. One hundred houses for one hundred European architects of the XXth century, Keulen 2004.
3 J. Gosseye en I. Doucet (red.), Activism at home. Architects’ own dwellings as sites of resistance, Leipzig (ter perse); A.M. Duran, ‘La casa propia, territorio de libertad’, Contexto 13 (2018) 17, 57-67.
4 C.P. Krabbe, J. Smit en E. Smit, Het huis van de architect, Amsterdam 1999.
5 J. Braeken, ‘De eigen woning van architecten’, Brussel 2007 (niet gepubliceerd). Hierbij aansluitend kan ook verwezen worden naar het doctoraatsonderzoek van Linda Van Santvoort over kunstenaarswoningen, dat methodologisch enkele raakpunten vertoont: L. Van Santvoort, Het 19de-eeuwse kunstenaarsatelier in Brussel, Brussel 1996.
6 H. Neuckermans en L. Verpoest, ‘Architectuuronderwijs’, in: A. Van Loo, Repertorium van de architectuur in België: van 1830 tot heden, Antwerpen 2003,530-533.
7 J. Hertogen, Loop Bevolking 1830-2019, 23 september 2019).
8 E. Dubuisson, ‘Architecte montre-moi ta maison, je te dirai qui tu es...’, Les nouvelles du patrimoine (2006) 112, 9.
9 L. Raaffels e.a., ‘Shaping modernism in Brussels’, in: Gosseye en Doucet (zie noot 3).
10 L. Raaffels e.a., ‘The construction details of Lucien-Jacques Baucher’s personal residence (Brussels, 1965-66). Collaboration with René Sarger and specialized craftsmen’, in: J. Campbell e.a. (red.), Water, Doors and Buildings. Studies in the History of Construction. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge 2019, 619-635; S. Van de Voorde en L. Raaffels, ‘The private house of engineer Jean-Marie Huberty and its hypar roof. A unique experiment in concrete construction in Belgium in the 1960s’, in: J. Campbell e.a. (red.), The Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge (ter perse).
11 L. Raaffels, I. Bertels en S. Van de Voorde, ‘Material Experiments in Architects’ Houses. The Case of Louis Herman De Koninck’s House in Brussels (1923-24/1968)’, in: J. Campbell e.a. (red.), Building Histories. The Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Construction History, Cambridge 2017, 375-386.
12 Analyse gebaseerd op: Kadasterarchief Federale Overheidsdienst Financiën, Uittreksels van de Kadastrale leggers van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (pre 1979); Stadsarchief Brussel, De Almanakken van de handel en de industrie (1820-1969).
13 V. Heymans geïnterviewd door L. Raaffels, bespreking ontwikkeling Plantsoenwijk, 26 april 2019.
14 J. Vandenbreeden en L. Van Santvoort, Encyclopedie van de art nouveau. Noordoostwijk Brussel, Brussel 1999, 135-136.
15 Van Loo 2003 (noot 6), 521–522.
16 Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Regering, ‘Besluit tot bescherming als monument van de totaliteit van het gebouw gelegen Lutherstraat 28 te Brussel’, Brussel 2004, 5-6.
17 C. Berckmans en O. Berckmans, ‘Gustave Strauven. De uitbundige art nouveau’, Erfgoed Brussel 22 (april 2017), 60-69.
18 Directie Monumenten en Landschappen, Voormalige eigen woning van Gustave Strauven, (geraadpleegd 13 oktober 2017).
19 Stadsarchief Brussel (noot 12).
20 Analyse gebaseerd op: Association pour l’Étude du Bâti, online catalogus Brussel, stad van architecten, (geraadpleegd 11 december 2019).
21 Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed, ‘Schuiten, Luc’, (geraadpleegd 5 januari 2020).
22 Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed, ‘Oréjona House naar ontwerp van Luc Schuiten’, (geraadpleegd 5 januari 2020).
23 M. Udo en L. Raaffels, Het huis van de architect (2). Een architect moet het leven van mensen mooier maken, documentairereeks BRUZZ TV, Brussel 2019.
24 L. Schuiten geïnterviewd door L. Raaffels en L. Haelterman, bespreking van de eigen woning, 14 oktober 2019; L. Schuiten en P. Loze, ‘La Maison Oréjona’, in: L. Schuiten, Archiborescence, Elsene 2006, 33.
25 INA, La Maison Solaire de Luc Schuiten, (geraadpleegd 5 januari 2020); Luc Schuiten, ‘La maison autonome Oréjona’, 5 januari 2020).
26 Schuiten 2019 (noot 24).
Copyright (c) 2020 Linsy Raaffels, Stephanie Van de Voorde, Inge Bertels, Barbara Van der Wee

Dit werk wordt verdeeld onder een Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationaal licentie.