K.A. Ottenheym: De correspondentie tussen Rubens en Huygens over architectuur (1635-'40). M.S. Verweij: Sassenheim en Arnhem: twee benzinestations naar ontwerp van ir. S. van Ravesteyn (1889-1983).
Constantijn Huygens, the secretary of the Prince of Orange, kept up a correspondence with P.P. Rubens in the years 1635-'40. One of their main themes was architecture, in connection with the building of Huygens' own house in The Hague in the years 1634-'37 (ill. 3-6). So far, three of Huygens' letters to Rubens are known. Rubens's replies seem to have been lost.
This article focuses on Huygens' draft for a fourth letter to Rubens, dating from 1640, in which he tried to refute a number of critical remarks apparently made by Rubens in a previous letter, concerning the design of...
Many buildings of architect Sybold van Ravesteyn (1889-1983) have been demolished by now. Most of Van Ravesteyn's buildings for the Dutch Railway were brutally depleted. In the period between 1935 and 1963 he designed twenty-five petrol stations for oil company Purfina (Fina), of which at the moment only eight have survived.
In this article two petrol stations by Van Ravesteyn will be discussed: one petrol station in Sassenheim (from 1951, recently demolished) and one in Arnhem (from 1957, still existing and protected as a listed building on the municipal historic buildings...