Joris Snaet: De eerste protestantse tempels in de Nederlanden. Een onderzoek naar vorm en perceptie. Paula C. van der Heiden: De Doopsgezinde kerk in Haarlem. Joost van Hest: De kapel van het voormalige St.-Elisabeths Gasthuis te Arnhem.
In the autumn of 1566, soon after the fierce iconoclasm troubles, the Protestant urban communities erected several temples in the Low Countries. After one year only, these temples were destroyed as a result of the order given by the regent Margaret of Parma. Archival sources and tangible material are very rare and have survived for only a few of these.
Three temples in Antwerp had an elliptically shaped ground plan and had been constructed of wood on a stone basement. The temple at Gent, known from a description and a sketch by Van Vaernewijck, was octagonal in shape and made...
The classicist Baptist Church in Haarlem has almost completely escaped historiography of Dutch architecture, although its building history is very well documented. The first plans for the church date from 1672, after the joining together of two groups of Baptists. A plot between Grote Houtstraat, Peuzelaarsteeg, Frankestraat and Anegang was reserved as the building site.
On December 26, 1674 the first design was completed, but for financial reasons the construction was postponed until 1682. Eventually it took place between May 1682 and March 1683. The building plans are...
The imposing hospital chapel of the former St Elisabeths Gasthuis in Arnhem was built in two phases. The substructure in neorenaissance style was realized in 1897. The domed funeral parlour was situated there. It was not until 1904-1906 that the neogothic chapel was built. The difficult process of its construction was related to the high costs and financial problems due to which archiepiscopal consent was not forthcoming.
The place of worship was built after the design of the Arnhem architect J.W. Boerbooms (1849-1899). Because of his premature death the object was completed by...