Gea van Essen: Daniel Stalpaert (1615-1676), stadsarchitect van Amsterdam en de Amsterdamse stadsfabriek in de periode 1647 tot 1676. Allison Stoesser-Johnston: Robert Hooke and Holland: Dutch influence on his architecture. Daniëlle Hameete: Berend Reinders (1825-1890), stadsarchitect van Zwolle van 1855 tot 1875.
The years between roughly the Munster Peace Treaty 1648 and the Year of Disaster 1672 was a period of great wealth and expansion for the Dutch Republic and particularly for Amsterdam, the ‘Golden Age’. In this period Amsterdam initiated large building projects and for the first time in its existence the town appointed a town architect, Daniel Stalpaert.
This article sketches the Amsterdam town factory, i.e. the town building industry, chiefly during the third quarter of the 17th century. After a description of Daniel Stalpaert's life, this article discusses the changing...
This paper describes briefly the development of classicism in England and the Netherlands, the cross-fertilization which took place between the two countries in the 17th century and the introduction of Dutch classicism into England with Hugh May's Eltham Lodge.
After considering Robert Hooke's career as a scientist, surveyor and architect and his contacts with the Netherlands, his plan for the City of London, based on Simon Stevin's city plan, and his architecture are discussed, with particular attention to his extensive use of Dutch models taken from designs by Jacob van Campen,...
The office of town architect developed through the centuries. From the late Middle Ages the town architect, who was addressed as ‘stadsbouwmeester’ until 1777, occupied himself with designing buildings and supervising the town workmen. At the end of the eighteenth century the office went through an important change. The stress of the office no longer lay on designing buildings. Instead the town architect occupied himself with all sorts of building activities and advisory tasks.
From the early twentieth century new changes took place. The town council changed the name of the town...