J.J. Jehee: De plaats van de grote zaal in het Oost-Indisch Huis te Amsterdam: Wat zegt het gebouw nu zelf? Marthe Stallenberg: Een Leidse studentenkamer belicht. De schouw aan de Nieuwe Rijn. Willem Jan Pantus: Van magnum opus tot patronaatsgebouw en weer terug. Problemen en oplossingen bij de restauratie van de Kleine Zaal van Concertgebouw 'De Vereeniging' te Nijmegen.
In last year's Bulletin there was a discussion on the place of the 'large hall' in the East-India House in Amsterdam drawn by Simon Fokke in 1771. On the basis of building-historical research carried out during the restoration in 1978, this hall must have been situated on the ground floor. It concerns the eastern room between the staircase and the former arsenal on the side of the courtyard.
This room was two beam sections wide with two windows giving on to the courtyard. The large corbels, clearly depicted by Fokke, and the fireplace against the arsenal can only be situated...
In 2000, during a refurbishment of Nieuwe Rijn 30 in Leiden, a study was made of an unusual little fireplace on the first floor. The first questions were: from what period does the fireplace date and was it originally meant as a fireplace or as a stove. The fireplace consists of two parts. A rectangular mantelpiece, with on top of it a narrow, five-sided chimney breast with remnants of stucco ornamentation.
Originally there was a stucco trophy in the broad middle section, of which only the contours are still visible. The rear wall of the fire- place is five-sided and at the top...
Concert halls from the beginning of the last century with such a rich ornamental programme as that of the Small Hall in the 'Vereeniging’ in Nijmegen are unknown elsewhere in the Netherlands. This monument is a real gem, resulting from the fertile co-operation between architect Oscar Leeuw (Roermond 1866-1944 Nijmegen), his brother Henri Leeuw jr. (Roermond 1861-1918 Amsterdam) and the painter and later professor Huib Luns (Paris 1881-1942 Amsterdam). Between 1913 and 1917 'De Vereeniging' was drawn, built and decorated.
As regards artistry the concert building is undoubtedly to...