Thomas Coomans: De middeleeuwse bedelordearchitectuur in Nederland. R. Meischke: De 'meesters van het steenwerck' en de Sint-Laurenskerk te Rotterdam.
This preliminary synthesis concerning the architecture of the Mendicants - Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites and Augustinian Friars - in the Netherlands is the result of a two-year research fellowship at Leiden University (1999-2001).
From the 13th to the early 16th century 57 friaries were founded in 43 different Dutch towns: 29 by the Franciscans, 14 by the Dominicans, 8 by the Carmelites and 6 by the Augustinian Friars. Minimal information was found for the buildings of 27 friaries; only 13 churches have survived. Little is known of the first churches. Excavations at three...
After Besemer's building-historical research (note 2) in this article an effort has been made to investigate the place of the St Laurens church in the architecture of its time. A comparison with similar projects in the surroundings, for which more data were available in the records, proved to be necessary.
In the County Holland the Brabant stone trade had secured the market with an increasingly sizeable supply of hewn material. For the commissioners the choice of the material, the delivery period and obtaining a reasonable price were particularly important. For this purpose a...