R. Meischke en H.J. Zantkuijl: De laatste oude huizen van Rotterdam. Haringvliet Zz. G. van Tussenbroek: Michiel Matthijsz Smids (Rotterdam 1626 - Berlijn 1692). Keurvorstelijk bouwmeester in Brandenburg.
The approximately ten houses preserved along the Haringvliet after 1940, provide an insight into the development of Rotterdam merchant houses. This unique type of house was built because of local conditions. As a result of the soft building land and high flood tides the warehouse was downstairs and the living space upstairs in these houses. Thus the weight of the goods was divided over the floors and the walls were less burdened. The joint walls prescribed here made complete rebuilding of the houses almost impossible. Their history consisted in minor and major conversions. Because the...
Michiel Matthijsz Smids (1626-1692) is to be considered as one of the most important building contractors in Brandenburg in the 17th century. As one of many, he left his home country shortly after the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) and was active in the redevelopment of Brandenburg. From the year 1652 onward, he played an important role in ship- mill- and lock building as well as wood trading. Beside of that, he was appointed as a courtly building master. In this position he led the works on many building projects, which were initiated by the elector of Brandenburg. Still, he was not...