J.A. Mol en J. Post: De Epposteen van Rinsumageest. Karel Emmens: Een nieuwe bouwgeschiedenis voor de Nieuwstadskerk te Zutphen. Ben Kooij en Zeno Kolks: De St-Nicolaaskerk te Denekamp: klein begonnen, groot geëindigd.
This article focuses on the so-called 'Eppo stone': a beautifully hewn tomb-cover dating from the middle of the fourteenth century with a detailed, realistic representation of a young man that is unparalleled in the entire Frisian coastal region. The stone originates from the village of Rinsumageest, near Dokkum, where it was fixed to the north-east side of the church until the middle of the nineteenth century. At the moment the stone is in the depot of the Fries Museum.
For the interpretation of the edge inscription and the description of the figure one used to rely on the...
The foundation of the parish church of Our Lady in the Zutphen district Nieuwstad (New Town), dates back to the mid-13th century and is probably due to Otto II, Count of Guelder (1229-1271). He is assumed to have been involved in the foundation of the Nieuwstad as well. Till 1312 this Nieuwstad formed a separate town and was only that year incorporated in the Zutphen Oude Stad (Old Town). The church was first mentioned in 1272.
Considerable parts of the 13th century church still exist, partly invisible in the plastered walls of the nave and visible in the lower parts of the...
The church of Denekamp is important for various reasons. Just as the mother church in Ootmarsum and the church in Heek, it is one of the few religious buildings erected in the region of Twente in the 13th century that is still largely preserved. As far as this region is concerned it is the oldest preserved single-bay church, though no longer completely intact.
By regional standards, early Gothic forms were applied in the nave. Especially the triumphal arch shows rich and interesting details, in line with the Romanesque-Gothic period. The heavy, squat tower from the late Gothic...