Birgit Dukers: Maastrichtse vakwerkbouw - resten van een houten verleden. Birgit Dukers en Bart Klück: Venlo, verrassend middeleeuws. Ronald Stenvert: Hans Vredeman de Vries en zijn invloed: naar aanleiding van een congres.
For a long time it was thought that in the North-Limburg town of Venlo few houses from before the nineteenth century survived, although the town centre dates back to the Middle Ages. On the one hand, this idea was caused by incomplete inventories in the past, when it was chiefly the facades of houses that were looked at. On the other hand, parts of the town were severely damaged during the Second World War and the reconstruction and redevelopment work made the impression that just a small historical area had been preserved.
However, a recent, rough inventory of the town centre,...
The congress 'Hans Vredeman de Vries and his influence' in early 2004 gave rise to looking at the present state of affairs on this subject on the basis of the latest data on his life and work. It appeared that (traditionally) there is much more interest in this important, versatile artist outside the Netherlands than in his own country.
These past two decades the attention was chiefly focused on classicism, and notably the aesthetic aspects of it, whereas the cultural-historical aspects of the wide North-European movement of mannerism incorporated by Vredeman de Vries was...
This article is about the remains of the medieval timber-framed houses of Maastricht. These wooden houses have gradually disappeared because of the city's fire regulations. Nevertheless, some still remain (partly) and have been investigated in order to give an overview.
Research has not yet clarified the early period of timber-framed houses in Maastricht. The only remaining examples date from the beginning of the fifteenth century. By that time the wooden constructions were already in a fully developed stage. The skeleton was placed on a stone cellar and socle and could sometimes...