Reconstructie en onderzoek (Wim Denslagen). Bart Klück: De reconstructie van een veertiende-eeuwse gevel van het Duitse Huis te Utrecht. Mayke Haaksman: De restauraties van Jan de Meijer en A.A. Kok. Paul Rem: Een nieuwe visie op de inrichting van de Salon van koningin Wilhelmina op Het Loo.
[No abstract available]
The medieval cloister complex the Theutonic House in Utrecht is situated on the west side of Springweg. From 1811 to 1990 a Military Hospital was established here. The basic principle of the restoration, which was started in 1993, was that the eastern gable of the 14th-century main building had to be restored.
The information still available in the building itself made a reconstruction without guesswork possible, although the central government was not in favour of it. However, architect Aart Oosting decided to restore the fourteenth-century form, also because the articulation of...
This article is a brief review of the restoration work of the architects Jan de Meijer and Antoon Abel Kok. Both architects worked in Amsterdam in the first half of the twentieth century. De Meijer and Kok each worked in their own way without adhering to the established restoration theories of the so called ‘Basic Principles’, published in 1917.
Jan de Meijer mainly reconstructed early seventeenth-century Renaissance buildings which, according to him, had been mutilated by later refurbishments. The premises Oudezijds Voorburgwal 249 and 14 and Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 75 are...
In the period 1977-1984 the Royal Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, was thoroughly restored into a museum, highlighting the late 17th-century phase in which King William III and Queen Mary II resided at Het Loo. The restoration of Het Loo was severely criticized. A walk was laid out through the approximately 40 rooms in the Palace which are open to the public.
The main apartments were furnished in the style of the first main residents, the remaining rooms were devoted to the other members of the House of Oranje-Nassau, in chronological order. This implied that the...