Nieuw Erfgoed en de noodzaak tot revisie (M. Kuipers en M.T. van Thoor). John Veerman: De Rotterdamse villa Maaslust en Berlage. Vincent van Rossem: Moderne architectuur in de schaduw van het modernisme. Marie-Thérèse van Thoor: Een verdwenen monument van katholieke emancipatie: de 'fraterfabriek' in Zeist. Marieke Kuipers: Nieuw Erfgoed Erkend, reflecties op de recente monumentenselectie.
[No abstract available]
On Parklaan in Rotterdam, situated in the Muizenpolder to the west of the city centre, the wealthiest Rotterdam citizens built their villas in park like gardens in the 19th century. For instance, around 1874 Rudolph Mees, descending from the wealthy banking family, had a house built there, now no. 9 Parklaan.
It was a spacious, classicistic villa of an almost completely symmetrical layout. All external walls had middle ressaults and the roof was lifted in the middle. The floor plans (basement, elevated ground floor, upper floor, attic) were...
E. van Houten, chief building inspector with the Municipal Housing Inspectorate during the twenties and thirties of the last century became famous in Amsterdam by the so-called Van Houten premises. At that time a lot of buildings were demolished that did not comply with the requirements of the Housing Act of 1901. These were nearly always simple middle-class dwellings from the seventeenth and eighteenth century that had been divided into a number of smaller units at the end of the nineteenth century. Bad maintenance and very intensive occupancy dealt the death blow to...
In 1932 the Utrecht architect Willem A. Maas (1897-1950) built the St Joseph teacher training college (5/ Jozef-Kweekschool) in Zeist for the friars of Utrecht. Against all expectations the complex did not get a traditional exterior: on the contrary, it was a concrete and iron frame construction, covered with clinkers, and because of the large window sections light and space were emphasized. Special attention was paid to the infirmary, in which Maas applied a variant of his system-Maas: a system of sliding walls and windows for optimal daylight access. Maas was...
In October 2007 Minister of Culture Plasterk presented a list of 100 'top listed buildings' from the period 1940-58 as a prelude to a selective protection of Dutch heritage of the Reconstruction that took place after the Second World War. A great deal of media attention was generated for this ‘New Heritage’.
The underlying concept sounds very attractive, but entails various ambiguities. From the point of view of policy, i.e. from the point of view of the preservation of monuments and historic buildings, heritage dating from the middle of the...