Thomas H. von der Dunk: Een Franse opsnijder in de Republiek De architect Georges-Franςois Blondel. R. Meischke en H.J. Zantkuijl: De positie van C.G.F. Giudici te Rotterdam en zijn stadhuisplan uit 1781.
The architect Georges-Francois Blondel (1730-after 1792), son of the well-known architecture-theoretician J.F. Blondel, has always remained a somewhat shadowy figure, also because his life and career took place in several countries. In this article all the biographical information known about him so far has been compiled for the first time, largely on the basis of older literature.
Initially, G.F. Blondel was educated by his father, but stayed in Rome from 1756 to 1760, where he was impressed by Piranesi; some drawings based on the latter's ‘Carceri d'invenzione’...
The three large towns of Holland, Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, each had their own building trade by the end of the 18th century. The Amsterdam building trade was the largest and had much impact on the surrounding area. Amsterdam master builders were called in there and citizens of Amsterdam were in charge in the countryside. In The Hague it was particularly the administrative circles that were fond of representation, but their home grounds were far away, so that their buildings in the countryside did not resemble their houses in town.
Rotterdam was a young town, surrounded...