Restauratie en historische beeldvorming (Rob Dettingmeijer). Wim Denslagen: Tegen de stroom van de tijd. Thomas H. von der Dunk: De moeizame vormgeving van het verleden. Dirk J. de Vries: In de ban van Rembrandt, huizen en herdenkingen. M.S. Verweij: Sporadisch kleinood te Maastricht, een seinhuis naar ontwerp van Sybold van Ravesteyn (1889-1983).
[No abstract available]
According to most modern historians mentioned here it is likely that it wasn't until the Romantic Movement that the past was studied for its own sake. Had historiographers completely lost sight of the famous historians of classical antiquity since the time of Charlemagne? Was even Herod no longer known to them, the historiographer from the fifth century BC. whom Cicero had called the pater historiae?
Although Herod may have been criticized frequently in antiquity, he was and continued to be the great example for historiographers even until the end of the second century AD - if we...
Dealing correctly with the built past is the key question of each individual case of preservation of monuments and historic buildings. After all, a thorough refurbishment inevitably implies a form of intervention in the 'natural' course of history. At the same time the final result of not doing anything, often implies that eventually nothing is left. However, once a drastic restoration has been decided on for that reason, it is tempting to do more than what is strictly necessary for preservation: removing annoying additions from earlier centuries, eliminating previous restorations,...
Four hundred years after Rembrandt's birth all sorts of exhibitions are to be seen in the Dutch museums. An effort was made to show different aspects of the artist's oeuvre and ask new questions as regards realization and interpretation. What happened to the houses in which the artist lived and what value can be attributed to this? After a wrong location had initially been designated and in doubt about what to do with the house in which Rembrandt died (Rozengracht 184 Amsterdam), it is exactly one hundred years ago that the foundation Stichting Het Rembrandthuis turned the premises...
At the railway yard in Maastricht just north of the NS railway station the one and only completely preserved signal box after a design of architect ir. Sybold van Ravesteyn (1889-1983) is to be found. During his long active life Van Ravesteyn constructed many buildings for the Netherlands Railway Company, but the greater part of his oeuvre was demolished in consequence of new requirements of use and changed circumstances.
The signal cabin in Maastricht (1935), known as Post T, was not demolished and still contains the original electric control equipment as it was made by the...