Pepijn van Doesburg: Steenhouwersmerken opnieuw beschouwd. Steenhouwers en fabrieksrekeningen van de Dom in Utrecht Merlijn Hurx: 'Een alten wonderlijcken structure ende fortresse'. De Blauwe Toren van Karel de Stoute in Gorinchem Yvonne van Mil: Pieter Bakker Schut (1877 - 1952), manager in stedenbouw
Stonemasons’ marks on those sections of the Dom Church in Utrecht built after circa 1450 belong to the type of late medieval marks widely used in regions within the Holy Roman Empire. If the assumption is correct that each distinct mark of this type appearing on the same building site is unique to an individual stonemason, there must accordingly be a direct relationship between the marks on the Dom and the stonemasons employed by the masons’ lodge, a record of whose wages are to be found in the surviving construction accounts from 1460 onwards.
To demonstrate the existence of...
Despite its significance as the only Burgundian residence built ex novo in the Northern Netherlands, little is known about Charles the Bold’s castle in Gorinchem. The Blauwe Toren (Blue Tower) was constructed between 1462 and 1478 when Charles was still Count of Charolais, but the ill-fated castle was demolished at the end of the sixteenth century. Until now, there have been few sources of information on the tower, but an in-depth analysis of newly discovered archival material has revealed the names of the master builders and suppliers of building materials, as well as the dates of the...
It is impossible to study the history of Dutch public housing and urban planning in the twentieth century without repeatedly coming across the name Pieter Bakker Schut. From 1904 onwards, he was chairman of the Sociaal-Technische Vereeniging van Democratische Ingenieurs en Architecten (STV, Social-Technical Society of Democratic Engineers and Architects) and from 1918 a member of the board of the Nederlands Instituut voor Volkshuisvesting (NIV, Netherlands Institute of Housing). In that same year he was appointed director of the Dienst Stadsontwikkeling en Volkshuisvesting (DSV,...