Rob Dettingmeijer: Natuurmonumenten als cultuurmonumenten. De voortdurende verandering van het begrip natuur in onze cultuur. Hans Renes: Landschap als erfgoed. Historische processen en gelaagde landschappen. Eric Luiten: Gereanimeerd erfgoed. Nationaal Project Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie als format voor het landschapsbeleid. Jos Bosman: De Waddenzee, een gigantisch wereldnatuurerfgoedpark.
[No abstract available]
Dutchmen have not so much created the Netherlands as caused it. The historical landscapes are compromises between what was possible and what was desirable. The last attack on unused or sparsely used wasteland was less than one and a half century ago. Since then wasteland has been called nature conservation area. Increasing scarcity of such areas was regretted by more and more people. In a number of phases defensive protection against bringing nature into cultivation developed into an offensive that 'returned' cultivated land to nature. According to many authors this development started...
During the twentieth century, the man-made landscape was gradually discovered as cultural heritage. At first, the leading idea was, that the man-made landscape was the result of a slow process leading up to a 'climax' in the nineteenth century. Since then, landscapes have been changing at an increasing speed. Conservation aimed at protecting the 'traditional' landscapes that had more or less survived the twentieth century. During the 1980s new research showed that many landscapes had a dynamic and often troubled history. Mapping methods were developed, showing the landscape as a...
Landscape policy has always been characterized, often supported but just as often hindered by its multiple origins in both landscape protection and landscape development. Along the recalcitrant and frequently inconsistent lines of preservation of monuments, nature conservation, land use, open-air recreation and the planting of new woods and shrubs respectively, landscape protection did not develop without difficulty. On a government level landscape protection was most extensively laid down in the Structure Plan for Nature Conservation and Protection of the Countryside. In this Plan the...
Since 2009 the Dutch and German parts of the Wadden Sea have been on the Unesco list of world heritage. Germany and - on an international level - the Wadden Sea Forum and the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat in Willemshaven promote the idea to experience the Wadden Sea as a gigantic North European nature park, from the islands to the continental coast. The Netherlands pursue a policy which has so far adopted a reserved attitude towards the concept of a gigantic park. As a result, since 2009 not a single additional tourist came to experience mudflats from the Dutch coast in the special...