Marlite Halbertsma: ‘De Laurenskerk. Een monument vol verhalen’. Kathelijne Eisses: Kossmann.dejong in de Laurenskerk, verslag van een tentoonstelling. Marlite Halbertsma: De Laurenskerk als publieke ruimte. Marieke Kuipers: Saxa loquuntur? Spankracht en draagkracht van eeuwenoude stadskerken. Hélène Verreyke: Voorbij het object: een dag in de Laurens. Dorus Hoebink: Closereading van ‘Een monument vol verhalen’.
[No abstract available.]
The exhibition 'A monument full of stories' in the Rotterdam church Laurenskerk was made by the design offi ce Kossmann.dejong exhibition architects, specialized in telling complex stories in theatrical, spatial designs. Form and contents of the exhibition were jointly developed, with the monumental church building itself and the history of Laurenskerk and the city of Rotterdam as starting points. The history of the building and its religious use were determinant factors for the choice of themes. Since Laurenskerk is not only used as a church but also as a music podium and generates...
In this article the exhibition 'A monument full of stories' in Laurenskerk, realized by design office Kossmann.de jong in 2010, is considered within the context of the current function of cultural heritage in a society that is getting more and more divided in a process of individualization and demarcation. Possibly, cultural heritage can play a part in the fragmented city as public space, as a platform of civil society. Since the seventies historical and community museums have focused on showing the everyday culture of minorities and disadvantaged groups. Showing their own culture was...
After the devastating bombing at the beginning of the Second World War Laurenskerk continued with an austere interior from the period of the Reconstruction. Since 2010 the historical stories connected with Laurenskerk have been visualized for the visitors of the church. During a symposium in November 2011 the creative process of the development of this exhibition was reviewed and attention was paid to the cooperation between the design office Kossmann.dejong, the wishes of the of the church wardens and the department for the preservation of monuments and historic buildings. In this...
There are many different definitions and interpretations of the concept of authenticity, but the authenticity discourse appears to be unsuitable as an interpretation framework for the exhibition 'A monument full of stories' in Rotterdam Laurenskerk. Not only was the greater part of the church itself newly constructed in the old style after the bombing in 1940, but the exhibition, too, was made with new materials and modern media. The theory of performativeness, however, does offer a good alternative to analyse the functioning and the effects of this exhibition. According to this theory a...
Redesignation, wholly or partly, appears to be the magic charm to preserve church buildings. Consequently, attention has shifted from retrospective restoration to prospective intervention for contemporary uses. Most new interventions were designed as 'reversible' additions. The question is how much cultural elasticity churches have in order to bear the sometimes substantial interventions for the sake of exploitation without losing their power of expression as places of worship. Does it only concern the preservation of the 'speaking stones' or also the space in between or around them?...