Het onderzoek van kastelen. Geeske Bakker, Jan de Rode, Kees Verbogt: 'Dat huus stoet up viere pylare'. De betekenis van het kastelenbouwprogramma van Floris V. Tammo C. Bauer: Kasteelruïne Valkenburg. Van overgroeide steenhoop tot geconsolideerde ruïne. Jorg Soentgerath: De hoofdvleugel van de kasteelruïne Valkenburg aan de Geul. Charlotte van Emstede: Kasteelruïnes en reconstructies. Een analyse van de herbouw van Nederhemert.
[No abstract available]
Frequently buildings are also defined by the significance deliberately attached to the building in question by the commissioning authority. This also applies for buildings from the Middle Ages and the significance of medieval religious buildings has more than once been the subject of research. We are intrigued by the question whether such a significance can also be pointed out in profane medieval buildings.
We have chosen the castle-building programme of Floris V in West Friesland as our object of research. In doing so we distinguish two levels: the level of the type of castle –...
In the introduction the unique character of Valkenburg castle is pointed out in comparison with other castles and ruins in the Netherlands. As it is an elevated castle (rare for the Netherlands) it does not fit in with the typo-chronological outline of H.L. Janssen. Because of the complicated building history of Valkenburg castle with its numerous building periods, it takes up a special place in Dutch building and architectural history.
A consolidation campaign in progress at the moment offered a good opportunity to pay renewed attention to the large changes the ruin went through...
The ruin of Valkenburg castle (province of Limburg) is situated on a hill in the southernmost part of the Netherlands. Although various consolidations and archaeological activities took place in the past one and a half centuries, relatively little attention was paid to the building history of the main wing. At present this has been measured once again, whereby colours were attributed to the various building phases.
The oldest phase (brown) dates back to the 13th century, but the main wing as such was built in the second quarter of the 14th century (coloured yellow). On one side a...
This article deals with the reconstruction of Nederhemert castle, placing it within the wider context of the history, theory and practice of the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency. Nederhemert dates back to the fourteenth century and was extended in fourteen building phases to form the castle as it was until the fatal fire in 1945. From that time onwards the burnt-out building was falling into ever further decay. In 2001, prior to the start of the reconstruction, not much more was left of it than a ruin of dilapidated, but from a building-historical point of view very valuable cellars...