F.W. van Voorden: Het vernieuwde Bulletin. E.J. Nusselder: Studiedag bouwhistorisch onderzoek. M. Krauwer: Stadsarcheologie in kannen en kruiken? R. Apell: De situatie van de monumentenzorg op Curacao. Dirk Baalman: Bij de sloop van de graansilo Korthals Altes in Amsterdam. Marijke L.A.J.T. Brekelmans: Hollandse Renaissance als bron van de Nieuwe Kunst. B.R. Goes: Het Leids Pijpenkabinet. M.A. van Boven: Kunstbehoud?
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The granary at the Amsterdam Westerdoksdijk, designed by architect Klinkhamer, recently became out of use by the new destination of the Westerdok area as western emphasis in the new harbour-project. The threatening demolition of the granary is reason to evaluate the introduction of this building type in Holland and the granaries built by Klinkhamer.
The horizontal packing up of cereals in warehouses has in Europe and America during the second half of the 19th century been replaced by vertical storage in tubes (silo's), joined to a granary with mechanical appliance for vertical...
Although S.T. Malden in his Sources of Art Nouveau excludes Dutch Renaissance style in the 19th century as source of Dutch Art Nouveau, J.M. Jacobus and L. Gans, rightly pointed out that Art Nouveau encloses rationalism as well as the decorative, picturesque style. By P.H.J. Cuypers and H.P. Berlage's orientation on the rationalist E.E. Viollet-le-Duc and their application of the Dutch Renaissance the question can be asked if the 'picturesque Dutch Renaissance' can strictly be separated from Amsterdam rationalism.
This article tries to mark the development of Dutch 19th...
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