F.W. van Voorden: De architectuur van het maaiveld. C.J. Sieger: 'The Authentic Garden', verslag van het symposium gehouden naar aanleiding van het 400-jarig bestaan van de Leidse Hortus Botanicus. E.H. Kossmann: De bewaring van cultuur in heden en verleden. L. Hacquebord: Waar archeologie en geschiedenis elkaar overlappen; historisch-archeologisch onderzoek van de Hoornse traankokerij Smeerenburg op Spitsbergen. H.J.F. Franssen: De bijzetting van Karel van Egmond; wetenswaardigheden over het graf en de stoffelijke resten van hertog Karel van Gelre (1467-1538).
[No summary available]
The hereafter following is abstract of a lecture delivered on the occasion of the installation of the Council for the Administration of Culture at the Hague on the 15th of March 1990. Both past and history indicate that which preceded the present. The past is the whole of facts or events and material things known to us from earlier times. Its extent grows continually.
History however points to the incessant change in our collective and individual existence. We all have a past. That is that which we remember of closed events, thoughts, emotions and concrete affairs. Our own...
Striving after l'histoire totale, which describes all expressions of human life historians make use of representations (iconography) and inventories. The object itself however is studied by archaeologists and historians of art most of the social historians mainly considering the object an illustration. Still the historian's method strongly resembles the archaeologist's. The archaeologist studies artefacts to comprehend daily life in the past as well as the social stratification of a certain period. Both sciences could serve one another, history relating material archaeological...
Very little is known on the cause of death and the funeral of Duke Karel van Gelre or Karel van Egmond according to his family name. The restoration of the Church of Eusebius in 1963 meant preservation and restoration of his tomb and vault. Sources with respect to his interment have been actualized. To prevent difficulties the Duke's death on the 30th of June 1538 had been kept a secret. With the exception of the town of Arnhem Van Egmond was no longer popular to the subjects of the Dutch region Gelderland.
Already during his life the Duke had been succeeded by Willem van Kleef....
Centuries old gardens, witnesses of sometimes millennia old cultures threaten to vanish all over the world. Since the still remaining gardens gradually meet with appreciation, further research has to be executed to preserve and restore them in a responsible way. Recognition of the garden's authentic parts hereby is essential. Mixing of cultures, decay and injudicious restoration changed many of these gardens into a distorted shadow of the past.
Approaching the art of gardens from different scientific angles the symposium had to reveal artistic and botanical exchanges by different...