Frits van Voorden: Ondermaats. P. Kalsbeek: Het kantoorgebouw van het electriciteitsgebouw te Rotterdam.M.E. Stades-Vischer: P.H.J. Cuypers' bemoeienis met de gebrandschilderde ramen van de O.L. Vrouwekerk te Dordrecht. Tj. Dijkstra, Rudger A.F. Smook, A. Kuyvenhoven, S.C. Buijs en C.J. van Haaften: Historische continuïteit en stadsontwikkeling. (bijdragen aan de KNOB-studiedag 'Holland op zijn hoogst').
[No summary available]
The hereafter following has been pronounced on the symposium 'Holland at its Highest' organized by the Section Architecture and Town-planning of the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands. 'As you all know the title of this symposium is a paraphrase on the title of one of the most legendary publications from the Dutch history of art: 'Holland and its Narrowest'. The author Victor Eugène Louis de Stuers not only was a historian of art and publicist but also a caricaturist. Denouncing the decay and neglect of Dutch monuments in 1873 he described both municipality and church...
The office building of the Municipal Electricity Service at Rotterdam is the first concrete working-out of the Dutch striving after multi-storey buildings and framed constructions in particular. Since the building will lose its original function this article makes researches into the meaning of this office to Rotterdam's history of modern architecture and town-planning in the period 1920-'40.
From 1907 on several plans have been conceived to provide the Electricity Service with a suitable housing. The municipal regulation prohibited the proposal (1919) to construct a multi-storey...
Restoring the Church of Our Lady at Dordrecht in 1903 Jos.Th.J. Cuypers and town-architect H.W. Veth provided every window with stone tracery and montants again. The stained-glass which had been removed with most of the traceries during the 17th and 18th centuries was renewed as well. The general activities on the choir's both and the chapels' window-panes continually proceeded in consultation with the Government Committee which functioned as an independent consultative council to the Minister of the Interior.
Dr. P. J. H. Cuypers being an important member of this committee this...
For some time now the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands follows with great concern the large-scales urban renewal projects as these are carried out in numerous Dutch towns. These projects are a serious threat to the charm and intimacy of our historical inner towns and their surroundings. Quite often urban renewal degenerates into an instrument of municipal prestige. In pursuance of this problem the Section Architecture and Town-planning of the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands organized the symposium 'Holland at its highest; Historical continuity and town...
For some time now the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands follows with great concern the large-scales urban renewal projects as these are carried out in numerous Dutch towns. These projects are a serious threat to the charm and intimacy of our historical inner towns and their surroundings. Quite often urban renewal degenerates into an instrument of municipal prestige. In pursuance of this problem the Section Architecture and Town-planning of the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands organized the symposium 'Holland at its highest; Historical continuity and town...
For some time now the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands follows with great concern the large-scales urban renewal projects as these are carried out in numerous Dutch towns. These projects are a serious threat to the charm and intimacy of our historical inner towns and their surroundings. Quite often urban renewal degenerates into an instrument of municipal prestige. In pursuance of this problem the Section Architecture and Town-planning of the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands organized the symposium 'Holland at its highest; Historical continuity and town...
For some time now the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands follows with great concern the large-scales urban renewal projects as these are carried out in numerous Dutch towns. These projects are a serious threat to the charm and intimacy of our historical inner towns and their surroundings. Quite often urban renewal degenerates into an instrument of municipal prestige. In pursuance of this problem the Section Architecture and Town-planning of the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands organized the symposium 'Holland at its highest; Historical continuity and town...
For some time now the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands follows with great concern the large-scales urban renewal projects as these are carried out in numerous Dutch towns. These projects are a serious threat to the charm and intimacy of our historical inner towns and their surroundings. Quite often urban renewal degenerates into an instrument of municipal prestige. In pursuance of this problem the Section Architecture and Town-planning of the Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands organized the symposium 'Holland at its highest; Historical continuity and town...