Mariene Kamphuis: Het Curacaosche Monumentenplan een toverstok? Ed Taverne: De incomplete stad. Martijn de Moor: Vierakter gewijd aan stedelijke leegte. J. Schaeps: Cornelis Springer als topograaf.
Quarters considered for large-scaled re-arrangement demand reflection on the discipline of town-planning. The business agreement to realize urban renewal threatens the architect's and town planner's spatial quality and tends to isolation of the renewed area within the extant town. The Dutch Institute of Architecture arranged an exhibition and a debate on the theme of the 'Seductive Townscape'.
The culture of urban expansion has changed into a culture of urban transformation. A new interest, mostly proceeding from economic considerations, has arisen in the historical...
Cornelis Springer (1817-1891) was an important townscape painter. Archives collect his drawings because of their topographical indications. However, in Springer's oeuvre the artist and the topographer contend for the mastery. Do his paintings and drawings really contain documentary value?
This article discusses some image-conventions typical of Springer and makes a comparison with several works of other artists Springer showing dependence of these examples. Thus one of the principles he applied to his paintings is the insertion of a building, drawn after reality, into an...
Since the 1930's the beautiful historical town centre of Willemstad in Curaçao falls into decay. Not before 1980 the town could depend on governmental intervention and support, which growing attention still was strengthened by the Unesco World Decade for Cultural Development, the Dutch Unesco-committee nominating the Willemstad-restoration a specific project. In 1989 an ambitious Plan of Monuments was presented.
At the moment four organizations are set up to coordinate the total process of restoration. Will this plan really appear to be the magic wand to change...
The modern protection of monuments must be disposed of conservative views with regard to urban renewal. This article deals with monuments as spearheads in a future-directed policy. Hereby a strategy which integrates the protection of monuments with other fields such as town development and urban renewal replaces the interest in each separate volume or in the urban ensemble.
The author sketches three perspectives: reorganization of the civil service occupied with the administration and preservation of a confined number of registered monuments. Second: knowledge...