Elizabeth den Hartog: Provincie-gotiek of vroeg-gotiek? Een herwaardering van het Bergportaal van de St.-Servaaskerk te Maastricht naar aanleiding van de restauratie van 1992. Bianca van den Berg: De vijftiende-eeuwse Sint-Janskerk te Gouda en het grafboek van 1438-1489.
The so-called 'Bergportaal' (janua montis), situated on the south-west side of the nave of the church of St Servatius in Maastricht comprises an elaborate Gothic portal preceded by a decorated porch. The portal consists of a tympanum and lintel showing the death and triumph of the Virgin Mary, framed by alternately figurative and foliate archivolts supported by eight large statues. In previous centuries the Bergportaal was extensively restored. Missing parts were replaced and the sculpture disappeared under a thick and coarse coating of paint and piaster, which probably accounts for the...
The present St John's church partly dates back to after the fire of 1552. Not much is known about earlier predecessors of this church building. On the one hand, few written sources have been preserved and on the other hand, there has hardly been any research into this matter. At any rate, it is evident from the records that in 1404 a start was made with the new construction of a church which was consecrated in 1413. It concerned a three-aisled hall church with a blunt three-sided choir. In 1438 a large part of the church was burnt down, but in 1443 it could already be consecrated...