Chris Kolman en Ronald Stenvert: Nieuwe vormen en traditionele bouw: het Vleeshuis te Kampen in het midden van de 16de eeuw. R. Meischke: Het Amsterdamse fabrieksambt van 1595-1625.
The old meat-market 'Oude Vleeshuis', Oudestraat 119, has served as centre of the meat trade in Kampen for over a hundred years, namely from the last quarter of the 15th century until 1593. In 1557 the town council had the building thoroughly renovated. The natural-stone facade dates back to that year. In spite of radical alterations, this facade is still to be rated among the most interesting examples of early-Renaissance facades in The Netherlands.
The facade was hewn and built by mason Lambert Stuurman, who during the fifties and sixties of the 16th century made a flourishing...
The fact that architecture in the Northern Netherlands was flourishing in the early 17th century, at the moment when the war against Spain was taking a favourable turn, manifested itself most clearly in Amsterdam. The building trade of this rapidly growing town ('stadsfabrieksambt' / public works) was expanding. Everything that the town wished to be built was designed and made by public works. In 1595 its leadership was renewed, Hendrick Jacobsz Staets was appointed town carpenter, Cornelis Danckertsz town bricklayer and Hendrick de Keyser (1565-1621) town mason and sculptor.