Charles van den Heuvel: Stevins 'Huysbou' en het onvoltooide Nederlandse architectuurtractaat. De praktijk van het bouwen als wetenschap. Petra J.E.M. van Dam: Geschiedenis, archeologie en waterbouwkunde: theoretische samenwerkingsmodellen voor interdisciplinair onderzoek met als vertrekpunt de laatmiddeleeuwse uitwateringssluizen van Spaarndam.
The confrontation of lock and sluice research with interdisciplinary cooperative models by F. Verhaeghe and H.L. Janssen can be summarized by five propositions which general applicability for interdisciplinary research is to be further tested. Firstly, Verhaeghe and Janssen pay no attention to the possibility that even in research in which interdisciplinary cooperation was not anticipated, the presentation of questions may lead to an interdisciplinary approach. In such a case there is a risk that the presentation of questions and the research object of the other discipline are taken...
Hendrik Stevin, Isaac Beeckman and Contantijn Huygens, each in their own way, showed various aspects of Stevin's Huvsbou. Hendrik tried to reconstruct the writings left to him into a theory and particularly emphasized his father's views on the layout of house and town. For Beeckman it was especially Stevin's pronouncements on the building practice that gave rise to further scientific reflections and experiments. Finally, Huygens introduced, on the one hand, Stevin's treatises on mechanics and technological developments in an international scientific debate; on the other hand, he...