Reinout Rutte: Middeleeuwse nieuwe steden in Nederland. Aanzet tot een onderzoek naur oorsprong, verspreiding en betekenis. Jola Meijer: De buitenplaats Petersburg, een ontwerp van Simon Schijnvoel. Christian Betram: 'Aus den Kupffern aber / so man davon hat / ersehe ich / dass ich nichts sonderliches daran zu sehen versäumet habe...': Zur Funktion des Kupferstiches für die Rezeption niederlandischer Gartenkunst um 1700.
During the decades around 1300 a remarkably large group of towns was founded. In the province of Zeeland Brouwershaven (1285) and Arnemuiden (1288) were granted charters and in Gelre, in the Veluwe region, and in the northern point of it, Staverden (1298) and Hattem (1299). In the river area south of Utrecht, at that time the border region between the domains of Holland, Het Sticht and Gelre, a whole series of small towns was founded, among which Nieuwpoort (1283), Wijk-bij-Duurstede (1300), Asperen (circa 1313) and Culemborg (1318). In all probability they were bastion towns.
A ground plan of the country estate Petersburg near Nigtevegt has been preserved in the Beudeker collection (Ms. C.9.e.l1) in the British Map Library. This country estate was built by Simon Schijnvoet (1652-1727), commissioned by Christoffel Brants (1664-1732) between 1709 and 1717. The drawing is bound with an edition of De zegepralende Vecht (The triumphant river Vecht) (1719) and precedes twelve engravings of this country estate made by Daniel Stoopendaal. By means of the drawing these prints can be placed in their compositional context. In general, such prints show...
When William III of the house of Orange ascended the English throne in 1689, this led to a great increase in the number of prints of Dutch noblemen's gardens in the Dutch Republic. After the death of William III such series, each of them depicting one single nobleman's garden, were only rarely made anymore. Instead of them, bulky volumes of prints of regional sights appeared around 1720, among which bourgeois country estates occupied an important place.
The supply of garden prints did not only attract the attention of collectors, but also of foreign architects travelling through...