Pieter Vlaardingerbroek: Adriaen Dortsman en Jan Six. Architectuur en interieurs van Dortsman aan de hand van Herengracht 619 Amsterdam. F.F. Ambagtsheer en L.B. Wevers: De VOC Loge van Wingurla: 'een prachtig gebouw, het schoonste dat in India te vinden is'.
There were strong ties between Adriaen Dortsman and Jan Six. This is not only evident from the private house that Six was having built from 1667-1669, but also from the court-house and the country house at Wimmenum. Six's interest in architecture does not just appear from the commissions, but also from his intervention in the town hall of Amsterdam at the time, the books he possessed and the sketch he made of the country house at Wimmenum. From the drawings that have been preserved of a preliminary design of the Six house dating from 1666 much information can be gathered on the layout...
Wingurla - the present Vengurla - was one of the few Indian trading posts that had a political function apart from its commercial one. Notably its situation - approximately 60 kilometres to the north of Goa - explains the significance of this lodge. Wingurla was the VOC (East India Company) settlement closest to the Portuguese centre of power Goa; during the forties and fifties of the seventeenth century this greatest threat to the VOC could be followed closely from here, until Portuguese power was definitely broken in the battle of Cochin around 1663. By means of the architecture of the...