Thomas H. von der Dunk: De toren als theoretisch probleem in de classicistische bouwkunst. Een verkenning in de hoogte. Dirk J. de Vries: Monumenten dendrochronologisch gedateerd (6). Torens en kerken.
The architecture of ancient Hellas and Rome had a strongly horizontal character. The most monumental type of building from this cultural sphere - the classical temple - bears witness to this. From the Renaissance, when throughout Europe this classical architecture was the source of inspiration for contemporary building, the temple was the pre-eminent aesthetic ideal. Consequently, its proportions, which were considered harmonious, were in principle also normative for completely different types of building created later and indispensable ever since.
One of these types of building...
The article deals with the dating of a series of Dutch churches by means of dendrochronological research. The exact dates of a number of major monuments could thus be determined. In general one should be cautious when dating towers on the basis of a bell cage found there. Usually these constructions are of a considerably later date. Interesting is the combination of dendrochronological research and a historical record on the Boven- or St. Nicolaas church in Kampen.
After the Amsterdam town carpenter, Jan de Jonge, had straightened the strongly subsided tower in 1685, a new, but...