De KNOB, Cuypers en kasteel De Haar. Inleiding op het themanummer (Koen Ottenheym). Mariël Kok: Het herstel van kasteel De Haar te Haarzuilens. Een middeleeuwse binnenplaats overdekt. Karel Loeff: Haarzuilens. Dorp uit de schaduw van het kasteel. Heimerick Tromp: Cuypers, Copijn en het park van kasteel De Haar. Wies van Leeuwen: De 'neoromaanse' restauratie van de Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk te Maastricht. Aart Oxenaar: P.J.H. Cuypers en de mythe van een progressieve architectuurgeschiedenis.
[No abstract available]
This article deals with the restoration of the medieval castle De Haar near Utrecht, which started in 1892. Particularly the old courtyard draws one's attention. In the late summer of 1890 the Dutch architect P.J.H. Cuypers was involved in the early plans for a restoration of the ruins of castle De Haar, which in 1890 was inherited by Baron Etienne van Zuylen van Nijevelt, who had married the French Baroness Hélène de Rothschild in 1887. In September 1891 Cuypers and his son Joseph sent the first plans for the restoration to Van Zuylen.
Besides the two official reasons for the...
The history of the village of Haarzuilens is unique for The Netherlands. The relocation of the village is an inseparable part of the new infrastructure around the castle, being the result of a compromise between the wishes of the baron, who had larger private grounds in mind, and the wishes of the public authorities allowing the relocation, provided that there would be the advantage of shorter routing.
The compromise consists of a village with a characteristic road system, which - partly due to economizing - gave the various roads their present status. The project was related to...
One of the subjects for research is the question to what extent Cuypers & Son also produced ideas on the lay-out of the park in country style. It is quite obvious from the accounts in the archives of De Haar that Henri Copijn executed both the Northern and the Southern Park. Here we also find confirmation for the legendary tales about full-grown trees taken to De Haar from far and near, in order to give the park a mature appearance as soon as possible. The part played by Cuypers and Copijn as landscape architects is still utterly obscure, in spite of all the attention that is being...
Our Lady's Church in Maastricht, a classic example of the Romanesque style, was thoroughly restored between 1886 and 1917 by P.J.H. Cuypers, who charged his son J.Th.J. Cuypers with the day-to-day management. His first action was in 1858, but the plans developed then were not executed. It was not until 1886 that a start was made with the work, a considerable part of which was subsidized by the central government under Cuypers's friend and supporter, the head of department Victor de Stuers.
Cuypers was the most productive restoration architect in The Netherlands in the previous...
Work and personality of P.J.H. Cuypers (1827-1921), the leading representative of gothic rationalism in the Netherlands, have been given a central role in the history of modern Dutch Architecture. This article shows that this position has only in part to do with his actual role in Dutch architectural history and is most of all a result of the rewriting of this history from a progressive, avant-gardist point of view.
Until the end of the nineteenth century Cuypers' gothic rationalism was seen as one of the exponents in the continuing search for a new style. In the late eighties...