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Author Guidelines

Article submission

Bulletin KNOB accepts only previously unpublished academic research for publication. It is possible to submit an abstract to the editors of Bulletin KNOB.

Abstract submission

Initial abstracts for an article should take the form of a brief synopsis, according to this format. Abstracts should be sent to for the attention of the editor-in-chief.

Article development

After approval of the abstract, the author is invited by the editors to write an article with a maximum of 5,000 words, excluding notes, with ten to fifteen illustrations. The guidelines for authors apply. Bulletin KNOB is double-blind peer reviewed. This means that all articles are reviewed by two anonymous experts (reviewers). Reactions, remarks, advice and comments are communicated to the editor-in-chief. The editorial board decides whether to publish the article.

Publishing in Dutch and English

Since 2019, it is possible to publish the approved, definitive Dutch articles in English online. These translations must meet a professional standard that matches the level of the Bulletin. For authors whose first language is not English, it is essential that the final version of their manuscripts is corrected by a native English speaker, before it is submitted for copyediting. Neither Google Translate nor the grammar / spelling check in Microsoft Word can be relied upon to create English of a standard acceptable for publication.

The English texts are directly linked to the volume and number of the Dutch publication. They will be published online some time after the Dutch version.

Authors who write initially in English can submit an English abstract to the editors. After approval by the editors, the author can develop the article. The condition for publication in Bulletin KNOB is that the author provides the approved, final text in both Dutch and English. The translation into Dutch – that will be published first - must comply with a professional standard that matches the level of the Bulletin. Information about conditions, deadlines and possibilities for translations can be requested via the KNOB office: and (015) 278 1535.

Book reviews

Book reviews of a maximum of 1500 words will be written at the request of the review editor of Bulletin KNOB. Reviews will be submitted within three months after receipt of the book. After publication, the reviewer may keep the book and is entitled to two copies of the Bulletin in question. Potential reviewers can submit a proposal to review a recently published publication to the editor's reviews via Reviewers should have no business interest in the publication.

Digital archive

To make the published research available to researchers and interested parties, all issues of Bulletin KNOB, from the first issue in 1899 to the current issue, are stored in our digital archive. If the author wishes to place his/her article online after publication in the Bulletin KNOB, the author must use the relevant DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the digital archive of Bulletin KNOB.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.