The restoration of castle De Haar: from dream to obsession


  • Hugo Landheer



In this article the financing of the building process of castle De Haar in the period between 1891 and 1897 is sketched. This period was important because from the various documents it appears that the plans for the restoration became final in those years. From 1895 the object of the work was to enable the baron and baroness to invite their first guests at their new country estate by the summer of 1897.

This period was also important because the baron was engaged in a 'war on two fronts'. Not only did he wish to restore his ancestral domain, but also the ruins of castle De Haar. For this purpose the baron had an ample, but not unlimited budget at his disposal. Soon the extent of the work had become so large that the baron fell into an arrears of payment. This increased so much that he was forced to give his newly acquired real estate in pledge as security for various loans so as to be able to pay the day-to-day costs.

A closer examination of the records suggests that on the one hand the costs were much higher than estimated due to the method used, which was quite normal in the case of complicated buildings, and on the other hand that the baron could not write out cheques unlimitedly.

Author Biography

Hugo Landheer

Drs. H.A. Landheer BA is sinds 1997 bestuurslid van het Cuypersgenootschap. Hij studeerde politicologie in de Verenigde Staten en Geschiedenis in Amsterdam en Leiden. Na werkzaam te zijn geweest als redacteur bij uitgeversmaatschappij The Reader's Digest en als bedrijfsjournalist bij de Hollandsche Beton Groep vestigde hij zich in 1994 in Den Haag als zelfstandig tekstschrijver met als werkterrein de bouw. Hij hoopt op 17 november 2004 te promoveren op ‘Kerkbouw op Krediet, de financiering van de katholieke kerkbouw in het aartspriesterschap Holland en Zeeland en de bisdommen Haarlem en Rotterdam in de periode 1795-1965’.



How to Cite

Landheer, H. (2004). The restoration of castle De Haar: from dream to obsession. Bulletin KNOB, 103(5), 183–190.



