Historical wallpapers: the writing on the wall


  • Flora van Regteren Altena




The aim of the Foundation for Historical Wallpapers and Wall decorations in the Netherlands SHBW is to give greater publicity to the beauty and value of historical wallpapers, to increase knowledge in this field and thus to stimulate conservation.

The SHBW manages and opens up a large collection of used wallpapers, which was built up over many years. In a general sense the SHBW is asking attention for historical wallpapers, which are still regularly found in old houses, but are also delicate and may easily disappear during renovations and refurbishments.

With an exhibition in Hilversum and the book ‘Achter het behang. Vierhonderd jaar wanddecoratie in het Nederlandse binnenhuis’ a solid foundation was laid for further research and activities. Knowledge is gathered and spread in various ways, e.g. by a newsletter published twice a year, by organising excursions to houses all through the Netherlands, and by providing specific information, expertise and advice.

Author Biography

Flora van Regteren Altena

Drs. Flora van Regteren Altena studeerde op adellijke Deense landhuizen af bij de Universiteit Utrecht (kunstgeschiedenis). Heeft daarna gewerkt bij Oud Amelisweerd en het Bureau Herkomst, was bestuurslid en voorzitter van de Stichting Historische Behangsels en Wanddecoraties in Nederland. Zij werkt nu bij Unesco Werelderfgoedcentrum, afdeling Afrika in Parijs.



How to Cite

van Regteren Altena, F. (2003). Historical wallpapers: the writing on the wall. Bulletin KNOB, 102(1), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.7480/knob.102.2003.1.276



