The dating of the Heilig-Kruiskapel (Holy-Cross chapel) in Utrecht


  • Cees A.M. van Rooijen



From the preceding it will be clear that an 8th-century dating for the Heilig- Kruiskapel at Domplein in Utrecht cannot be maintained. All dating methods used to date the Heilig-Kruiskapel point to a period after the middle of the 8th century at the earliest. In view of the 14C calibration, the stratigraphy of the wallwork and the ground-levels connected with this, a dating in the 10th century, preferably at the end of it, is most likely.

Consequently, it may be concluded that the 10th-century dating for the Heilig-Kruiskapel ascertained by A.E. van Giffen in the thirties of the 20th-century is still correct according to the data known at present. There are a few indications for the individual dating of the southern arm of the cross of the chapel, like one 14C calibration, that it concerns a 7th-century cella here.

Author Biography

Cees A.M. van Rooijen

Drs. Cees van Rooijen volgde een lerarenopleiding geschiedenis/aardrijkskunde. Van 1985-1998 was hij werkzaam bij het Archeologisch en Bouwhistorisch Centrum van de gemeente Utrecht. In 1994 rondde hij zijn studie middeleeuwse archeologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam af. Momenteel is hij verbonden aan de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek te Amersfoort.



How to Cite

van Rooijen, C. A. (2000). The dating of the Heilig-Kruiskapel (Holy-Cross chapel) in Utrecht. Bulletin KNOB, 99(3), 62–68.



