J.A.K.E. de Waele: Vitruvius Neerlandice. Een nieuwe vertaling van het Romeinse 'handboek bouwkunde'. Steven Surdèl: Vitruvius in de middeleeuwen: een verkenning. Koen A. Ottenheym: De Vitruvius-uitgave van Johannes De Laet (1649).
The significance of Vitruvius's manual for the later periods of art history is unmistakable. The Latin text - often elaborate and quite lapidary in style - poses translation problems for even the most expert classicist or archaeologist. The more welcome is the new, easily readable translation of Ton Peters (l 997), thus opening up Vitruvius' work to the professional, the student or the interested layman.
In the accompanying article the person of Vitruvius and his work are clarified on the basis of fragments translated by Peters. The subjects discussed here are the building...
Although no less than 78 Medieval manuscripts of Vitruvius's De Architectura Libri X (25 B.C.) have been preserved, very little is known of the needs felt in copying the text. Contemporary comments are scarce and generally do not show much more than a philological curiosity, the ars architecturae in itself being held in a rather ambivalent esteem, either as a 'free' or 'liberal' discipline, or, perhaps more often, as a modest, 'mechanical' one.
In addition, and in a Vitruvian tradition, we have some typical Early Medieval 'recipes' for constructional problems,...
Johannes De Laet was a Leiden merchant and one of the directors of the Dutch West India Company. He also moved in the learned circles of Leiden University and was a good friend and assistant of professor Claude Saumaise. Apart from his business activities De Laet was also successful as a compiler of geographical descriptions and some works on the ancient classics.
In 1649 the first complete edition of Vitruvius was published in Holland by the Amsterdam publisher Louis Elzevier, arranged by Johannes De Laet, M. Vitruvii Pollionis De Architectura Libri Decem. In...