L.I. Vakar: Restauratie perronkappen 's-Hertogenbosch. Vroege staalconstructie behouden. Maura Huig: Voormalige zeepfabriek De Adelaar in Wormerveer gered. Kasper van Ommen: 'Als de phoenix uit de assche herrezen'. De prijsvraag en de herbouwplannen voor het raadhuis van Leiden, 1929-1933.
The newly constructed railway station complex of 's-Hertogenbosch incorporates two 450-metre-long historical station roofs, which are currently under restoration. These were built at the end of the last century and constitute, as far as is known, the first steel structures to be used in a building in the Netherlands.
During their lifetime, they suffered a lot of damage due to three types of problems. These problems were caused by a lack of knowledge on the loads they had to withstand, by different behaviour regarding temperature expansion than assumed in the 1890s and by...
In the village of Wormerveer situated on the Zaan there is a prominent factory building: the former soap factory 'De Adelaar' (The Eagle). The concrete sculpture of an eagle with spread wings - on top of the watertower - is visible for miles around. De Adelaar was built after a design from 1906 and thus is one of the earliest examples in the Netherlands of the use of a reinforced non-supporting concrete skeleton.
However, De Adelaar is not only interesting because of its construction. The architects of the building, Jan Paul Frederik van Rossem (1854-1918) and Willem Johannes...
In the icily cold night of February 12, 1929 the greater part of the Town Hall in Leiden was reduced to ashes by a blazing fire. Only part of the characteristic facade in Renaissance style survived, though badly damaged.
Almost immediately after this ill-fated occurrence, a heated discussion about the rebuilding of the Town Hall started in the Netherlands. In nearly all the sections of the population and in associations of a varying nature opinions and points of view were formulated about the new construction and the architect who was to design this new construction.