View Bulletin KNOB 109 (2010) 6

Thomas H. von der Dunk: Een schouwburgprijsvraag uit 1837. Het bekroonde ontwerp van Robertus van Zoelen in de bouwkundige klasse van de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten te Amsterdam. Menno Wiegman: De restauratie van de Domtoren, verschillende restauratieopvattingen verenigd.

Published: 2010-12-01


  • In 1899 the municipality of Utrecht decided upon a thorough restoration of the cathedral tower so as to restore it to its original state. However, the restoration committee led by the Roermond architect P.J.H. Cuypers (1872- 1922) could not complete the work in its original composition. The work took such a long time that in 1922 the committee came under the chairmanship of railway architect G.W. van Heukelom (1870-1952). Meanwhile the prevailing views on restoration were changing. Van Heukelom put an end to the rational Gothic style of Cuypers and continued the work in his own...

  • In the first half of the 19th century no theoretical education for architects existed in the Netherlands, but since 1817 there was a Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam where, among other subjects, architecture was taught. In 1837 the academy held a special competition for a city theatre, which was won by the Amsterdam carpenter’s son Robertus van Zoelen (1812-1869). On the basis of a prescribed programme the competitors had to make a sketch first, and subsequently they were given one month’s time to design more accurate construction drawings. In this article earlier and later...