View Bulletin KNOB 112 (2013) 1

Thomas H. von der Dunk: De Amsterdamse bouwmeester en landmeter Jan Jacobszoon Bolten (1738-na 1811). Ada van Deijk: Frans Nicolaas Marius Eyck van Zuylichem. Architectuurhistoricus van het eerste uur. Hielkje Zijlstra: Jeruzalem Amsterdam. Restaureren versus renoveren.

Published: 2013-03-01


  • The Amsterdam architect and surveyor Jan Jacobszoon Bolten (1738-after 1811) is one of many private architects whose name pops up now and then in the literature. This essay, for the first time, sketches his quite varied career. Since mid-1768 he held the post of architect and surveyor in the district of Zutphen, a position that he gave up again after just one year, probably because he couldn’t get by on his wages.

    His task consisted mainly of minor maintenance work. His biggest assignment was the large-scale repair of the roof of the Gothic Broeren church in Zutphen, which would...

  • Frans Nicolaas Marius Eyck van Zuylichem (1806-1876) was one of the first people to describe the medieval churches of the Netherlands. In his day, that was no easy task, in the absence of an appropriate architectural vocabulary. Besides, dating these buildings was a hazardous undertaking at best. Still, Eyck realised the importance of properly documenting the church buildings of the Netherlands, as he was convinced that they represented a unique cultural heritage. Neither the government nor Eyck’s contemporaries showed much interest and as a result these buildings systematically...

  • In 2002, the Jeruzalem neighbourhood in the residential area Frankendaal, Amsterdam, threatened to be demolished. So far, it hasn’t come to that, but much has happened over the past few years. Six blocks gained the status of listed buildings, but this doesn’t mean that the future of the entire neighbourhood is now secure. The long-lasting battle for preservation and recognition, as well as the manner in which sustainability has become part of the preservation task make Jeruzalem a fascinating study object.

    In this article the existing buildings are studied from a lifetime cycle...