View Bulletin KNOB 89 (1990) 1

C.L. Temminck Groll: Buitenlandse activiteiten van de KNOB in historisch perspectief. L.B. Wevers: De interieurs van het verbrande huis Heemstede te Houten. R.W. Brandt: R.A.A.P. en het bodemarchief.

Published: 1990-02-01


  • The hereafter following is abstract of the discourse held by Prof. dr. ir. C. L. Temminck Groll in honour of the jubilee 1899-1989 of the KNOB on September 23th 1989. The KNOB (Royal Antiquarian Society of the Netherlands) exists 90 years. A respectable age after human standards. Although a society depends on human devotion it does not know age limitations.

    This is an excellent moment to reflect upon our centenary. Then, in 1999, we will have to present an extremely good manifest for the coming millennium! We have been spoiled very much during the past 90 years. Which of the...

  • In 1987 the country seat Heemstede (1645) especially famous for the grand formal layout of the gardens and the beautiful interiors by Daniël Marot (1680-'85) has been destroyed by fire. The dining-room, staircase, cabinet and hall however could be saved. The hall is the only room which preserved its Renaissance character.

    The floor-tiles form a diagonal chessboard pattern. The two recesses in the middle of the white stucco walls contain beautifully painted hunting scenes. The room possesses refined Renaissance decoration such as the wooden consoles with acanthus leafs supporting...

  • A well-balanced planning policy aiming at the preservation of nature and environment has to include socio-historical values with respect to landscape. New governmental acts and notes such as the new Act of Monuments (1988) and the Fourth Note on Area Planning (1988) promote this sort of policy.

    The Regional Archeological Recording Project, an initiative of the Institute for Pre- and Protohistory of the University of Amsterdam traces archaeological sites in the rural area and advices municipal, provincial and state-institutions at their area planning policy with respect to...