View Bulletin KNOB 89 (1990) 5

Eppo Bult, Arnold de Haan, Wilfried Messing en Jacques Moerman: Het archeologisch onderzoek van de Kenenburg. G. Sophia van Holthe tot Echten: Hoe een Franse ingenieur over de Abdij van Middelburg in 1812 oordeelde. D.J. de Vries: Monumenten dendrochronologisch gedateerd (3).

Published: 1990-10-01


  • The settlement Schipluiden dates from Roman times. During the second half of the 13th century extension of inhabitation changed Schipluiden into an independent parish with a parish church on the northern embankment of the canal the Gaag. In the 15th century the prominent castle Kenenburg was built in front of this church both buildings determining Schipluiden's skyline until the end of the 18th century. Archaeological research after this castle surrounded by moats has been carried out since 1966.

    Excavations in 1989 could complete the castle's plan and incidentally called...

  • In 1810 the province of Zealand became a part of the great French empire and was officially named 'Département des Souches de l'Escaut' (Departement of the Mouthes of the Scheldt) with Middelburg as its capital. A prefecture had to be set up here and the old seat of the former centre of government, the Abbey in Middelburg, was considered the best site for it. Napoleon attached great value to architectural provisions (mainly for military purposes) because of the strategic importance of this department. However, there was no local architect to meet the new requirements and who could...

  • Datings on the ground of art- or building-historical characteristics do not always prove to be as reliable for monuments from late medieval times. Thanks to the presence of old wooden constructions and the possibility to saw or to drill samples from these constructions the building-history of some Dutch buildings could be completed or readjusted. Wooden samples of objects along the eastern border proved to be dateable with the aid of West-German Standard curves. In the more westerly situated commercial towns a dendrochronological dating sometimes was harder, the wood in these parts...