View Bulletin KNOB 90 (1991) 4

J. Michels: De idee-fixe van 'oude' luister: het Vijf Kerken Restauratieplan voltooid. C.L. Temminck Groll: Theunes Haakma Wagenaar (1908-1986) ontsloten. Lex Bosman: Een onbekend ontwerp van Abraham van der Hart.

Published: 1991-08-01


  • Wagenaar was the last of medieval architects rather than a terminal point of Neo-Gothic. Those who were able to follow the restoration of the churches of Utrecht from close by learnt to know Wagenaar as a man of thorough research, a man of joy on the smallest historic detail and the man of the conscientiously working out of proposals for architect and restoration-committee. His proposals certainly were built up from a 'gothic' creativity adaptable to each decade of all of those centuries and to all of the local variants on Gothic architecture.

    This bibliography of his written...

  • Recently a sheet with a design for a government building in the former Dutch colony Demerary has been discovered. Up to the present, designs for buildings in the West-lndian colonies were not known among the works of Abraham van der Hart, town architect of Amsterdam (1747-1820).

    Plantations were cultivated in the Dutch colonies Essequebo, Demerary and Berbice in present-day Guyana since the first half of the 17th century. More than once these colonies were at stake in international politics. In the years 1781-1782 and from 1796 to 1802 the Dutch lost sovereignty over the colonies...

  • The ambitious Utrecht Five Churches Restoration Plan, which execution started in 1968, closed with the festive opening of Utrecht Cathedral in 1988 and was awarded the silver medal of Europa Nostra. However, the project was criticized as well. Discussion ran high on the notion of restoration, on the admissibility of the reconstruction of disappeared elements and how to handle the authentic material the monument had been constructed of.

    Criticism in retrospect seems easy. But, not influenced by the problems of practice, criticism at some distance can be an advantage to the...