View Bulletin KNOB 91 (1992) 2

M. Dolfin: Voorwoord. A. de Vries: Bouwhistorie: nu en straks. D.J. de Vries: Bouwhistorisch onderzoek en de restauratiepraktijk. C.J. van Haaften: Inhoudelijke monumentenzorg na de decentralisatie. M.C. Laleman en P. Raveschot: Restauratie van gebouwen: behoud en vernieling van erfgoed. R. de Jong: Het grote verband.

Published: 1992-04-01


  • On October the 11th 1991 the symposium The broad connection took place in the church of the Evangelic Community of Brethren at Zeist. Five speakers reflected on the connection between the minute research of the historian of ancient monuments, restoration practice and the policy for preservation. Prof. dr. ir. R. Meischke, chairman of that day, seriously wondered if this connection existed.

    The symposium perfectly made clear the distance between the desired and the actual connection of the research of historic buildings and the restoration practice. Many causes can be...