View Bulletin KNOB 92 (1993) 4

Klazien Brummel: 'Natuur, met kunst vereent'. Historisch onderzoek naar de vroeg 18e-eeuwse situatie van de terrastuin van kasteel Neercanne.

Published: 1993-08-01


  • The article is the result of a practical-training research executed within the framework of the scientific project 'Historical structural analysis Maastricht'. Neercanne Castle is situated in the south-western quadrant of Maastricht and environs; the castle lies in the Jekerdal, along the western range of hills, directed towards the east.

    At some time, general and later military governor of Maastricht, D.W. van Dopff (circa 1655-1718) crowned his career by having this pleasure mansion built and thus giving expression, at a regional, national and perhaps also international level,...