Lex Bosman: Editorial. 100 jaar Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser Wouter van Elburg: Intentionele willekeur. Het ongeschreven verwervingsbeleid van Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser Lisanne van den Bulk: Zoektocht naar een restauratievisie. Honderd jaar restaureren door Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser Lex Bosman: Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser in oorlogstijd. Beleid en bestuur gedurende de Duitse bezetting 1940-1945 Publicaties: Coert Peter Krabbe, Dolf Broekhuizen, Niek Smit, Huizen in Nederland. De negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Architectuurhistorische verkenningen aan de hand van het bezit van de Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser (recensie: Erik Mattie), Herman van Bergeijk, Jan Duiker, bouwkundig ingenieur (1890-1935). Van warm naar koud (recensie: Vincent van Rossem), Gerrit Berends, Van punt tot mijl. De vroegere voet-, roede- en mijlmaten in Nederland (recensie: Ronald Stenvert)
The Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser is a private heritage organization established in 1918, the same year that saw the founding of the Rijksbureau voor Monumentenzorg, the forerunner of today’s Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed (Cultural Heritage Agency). The organization is dedicated to the preservation of historically valuable buildings in the Netherlands, which it does by purchasing and managing such properties. Hendrick de Keyser was not bound by government policy and went its own way in the matter of acquisition. Thus, an analysis of...
The Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser was established in 1918 in response to a spate of demolition and injudicious renovation of historical buildings. Since its inception, the association has acquired 423 buildings in 109 locations in the Netherlands, nearly all of which have undergone one or more restorations of varying intensity. As such, the association has had an impact on the appearance of towns and villages across the Netherlands. But what principles did it apply in carrying out these restorations and how did they compare with the principles employed by the government? Although it was...
During the German Occupation of the Netherlands between 1940 and 1945 it was not just government departments, forced to toe the German line, that were in jeopardy. Private organizations like Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser, whose core task involved the acquisition, restoration and leasing of historically important buildings, were also vulnerable. The difficulties and perils it faced included the commandeering of houses, diminishing funds for acquisitions and restorations, and divisions within the board on what attitude to adopt vis à vis the Germans.
Differences of opinion among board...
Boekbespreking van een boek uitgegeven door Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser.
Boekbespreking van een boek geschreven door Herman van Bergeijk.
Boekbespreking van een boek geschreven door Gerrit Berends.