Marie-Thérèse van Thoor: Overzees erfgoed in ontwikkeling. Catherine Visser: Paramaribo revisited. Het idee van de coherente houten stad. Astrid Aarsen: Werelderfgoed en dan? Een perspectief vanuit de alledaagse praktijk van Willemstad en Paramaribo.
[No abstract available]
The historical wooden city of Paramaribo was discovered and described by M.D. Ozinga, J.L. Volders and C.L. Temminck Groll in the sixties of the previous century. In their publications the three authors give different perspectives. In Surinaamse bouwkunst Volders describes Paramaribo as a coherent wooden city, in which three centuries’ building from small to large forms a stylistic and typological family. For this purpose he introduced the term ‘Surinam building tradition’. In Proeve van een monumentenlijst voor Suriname Ozinga chiefly describes the eighteenth-century colonial government...
A city is not built with the intention of becoming world heritage. This value is attributed to it on the basis of what it has produced in a spatial-physical sense in the course of time, as a reflection of its view of life and way of life, its administrative ambitions and social-economic needs. While the municipality of Amsterdam is awaiting a definite answer about placement of the seventeenth-century ring of canals on the World Heritage List, there are two cities across the Atlantic Ocean that preceded it in this respect and may serve as valuable examples for the actual execution. These...