Toelichting op het themanummer: restaureren aan de Grote of Onze Lieve vrouwekerk in Breda (D.J. de Vries). Matthijs Burger: Restauratiegeschiedenis van de Grote Kerk in Breda; Frits Scholten: Grafmonumenten in de Grote Kerk in Breda, een kritische restauratiegeschiedenis; Paul le Blanc en Karen Wisselaar: 'Bijwerken, overschilderen, vernissen en vernieuwen', honderd jaar restauratiegeschiedenis van de schilderingen. Bernice Crijns: Restauratie van de muurschilderingen, het vervolg. Micha Leeflang: Tapijtschilderingen in de Grote Kerk.
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The main church in Breda is known as one of the most complete late Gothic town churches in the Netherlands. The cruciform basilica with tall west tower and ambulatory is considered an ideal example of a type of church that for various reasons was never completed in many other Dutch towns. The building history shows that in reality this perfect unity of design was realized by changing plans a number of times. In various periods several commissioners wanted to leave their mark on the church. After having changed users several times in the period of the Reformation, in the early 17th...
The main church in Breda contains a number of top-quality funerary monuments dating from the late Gothic and Renaissance period, which are connected with the Dutch royal family Oranje-Nassau. They were preserved relatively intact, but restored with rather varying success. In retrospect, one is struck by the extent to which the views on restoration changed in through the centuries. Whereas in 1828 modest addition and repair (although in a deviating material like marble) were still opted for, in 1860 a historicizing reconstruction was aimed at, which was even partly made subordinate to the...
Since 1903 a lot of wall paintings have been discovered in the main church in Breda, on the walls as well as on the pillars and vaults. Detailed attention has been paid to the art-historical aspects of the paintings in various publications. However, the techniques, the materials used and the considerations that led to the choice of a specific approach have hardly been accounted for. The archival documentation (photographs, letters, notes, reports and accounts) at the National Service for Cultural Heritage and the Municipality of Breda, however, provide important although still incomplete...
[No abstract available]
This article is an adaptation of some reports made between 2005 and 2007 for the art-historical preliminary research into the restorations of the wall paintings in the main church in Breda. In addition, a proposal for restoration is given for the paintings dealt with, emphasizing the preservation of the representations. The first priority in all the paintings is consolidating loose paint and removing dirt from the surface. Subsequently, old putty is removed so as to expose the original painting as much as possible. During the restoration large voids will have to be filled up in a neutral...