Estate landscapes in Gelderland

Government interventions, past and present


  • Paul Thissen



The Province of Gelderland has long boasted a large number of country houses and landed estates, which over time coalesced into estate landscapes around the historical capitals of the Duchy of Guelders quarters of Nijmegen, Arnhem and Zutphen.

Rapidly increasing urbanization from the end of the nineteenth century onwards threatened the coherence and accessibility of these landscapes. Gelderland’s largest cities, Arnhem and Nijmegen, watched in dismay as many country houses and landed estates fell victim to subdivision and development. In response they started to buy up portions of that estate landscape to ensure that they would remain available to city dwellers. In addition, the ‘safety net’ provided by newly established nature and landscape organizations, in particular Natuurmonumenten and Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen, also contributed to preservation and permanent accessibility by offering landed families the opportunity to keep their estate intact, albeit no longer under their ownership.

Similar motives – the need to preserve attractive, accessible walking areas for the increasingly urbanized society – underpinned the government’s introduction of the Nature Conservation Act in 1928. The Act was invoked more frequently in Gelderland than in any other province. It promoted the opening up of private properties as well as the preservation of the cultural value of the kind of ‘natural beauty’ to be found on landed estates.

After the Second World War, in addition to resorting to the Nature Conservation Act, the owners of country houses and landed estates could avail themselves of an increasing variety of grants aimed at preserving (publicly accessible) nature, landscape and heritage, although the emphasis was firmly on nature. Estate landscapes like the Veluwezoom and the County of Zutphen were eventually safeguarded by a patchwork of different government regulations.

In the twenty-first century, government policy shifted towards providing financial support for both public and private contributions to nature, landscape and heritage by country houses and landed estates. This in turn has stimulated interest in estate landscapes. Instead of individual heritage-listed estates, the focus is now on areas with multiple country house and landed estates where there are spatial tasks waiting to be fulfilled: not just the preservation of natural beauty for outdoor recreation, but also spatial articulation, climate change adaptation, increased biodiversity and sustainable agriculture. Interest in design, both past and present, has burgeoned thanks to this development.

Author Biography

Paul Thissen

Dr. P.H.M. Thissen is a spatial planner and historical geographer. As Heritage coordinator with the Province of Gelderland his task is to integrate heritage with spatial developments. He is one of the initiators of Karakteristiek en Duurzaam Erfgoed Gelderland, a heritage innovation programme in which the province and TU Delft are collaborating.


Met dank aan Elyze Storms-Smeets en Steffen Nijhuis voor hun suggesties.

Zie het overzicht op

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H.W.M. van der Wyck, Atlas Gelderse buitenplaatsen. De Veluwe, Alphen aan den Rijn 1988, 25-34.

Wat de mogelijkheden hiervoor zijn is verkend in het Gelderse Innovatieprogramma KaDEr (Karakteristiek en Duurzaam Erfgoed Gelderland) en het Interreg-project Innocastle (INNOvating policy instruments for historic CASTLE s, manors and estates). Zie

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K. Bouwer, Brakkenstein. Een Nijmeegse buitenplaats en zijn bewoners, Nijmegen 2018, 132-134; K. Bouwer, Bij de boom van Maria. De geschiedenis van Mariënboom en het Mariënbosch, Nijmegen 2020, 175-176.

H.C.J. Oomen, ‘Nijmeegse Vereniging voor Natuurschoon 1925-1975’, Numaga. Tijdschrift ter bestudering van de geschiedenis van Nijmegen en Omgeving XXII (1975), 219-222; M. van der Goes van Naters, Met en tegen de tijd. Herinneringen, Amsterdam 1980, 62.

Verstegen 2017 (noot 8), 36-40; K. Verrips-Roukens, Over heren en boeren. Een Sallands landgoed 1800-1977, ’s-Gravenhage 1982, 196.

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M. Purmer, ‘Valbijl of vangnet? Natuurmonumenten, de adel en de verwerving van landgoederen en buitenplaatsen, 1905-1980’, Virtus 27 (2020), 9-32.

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Snijders en Dansen 1989 (noot 20), 9-10; E. Storms-Smeets, G. Derks en S. Zeefat, Cultuurhistorische analyse en waardenstellingen landgoederen Warnsborn en Hoog Erf, i.o.v. Geldersch Landschap en Kasteelen, Arnhem 2019.

P.J. van Cruyningen, Landgoederen en landschap in de Graafschap, Utrecht 2005, 121; H.P. Gorter 1986 (noot 18), 74.

A.M.A.J. Driessen, G.P. van de Ven en H.J. Wasser, Gij beken eeuwigvloeijend. Water in de Streek van Rijn en IJssel, Utrecht 2000, 233-234.

P. Thissen, ‘Ruilverkaveling in de Gelderse regio’s’, in: J. Bieleman (red.), Anderhalve eeuw Gelderse landbouw, Groningen 1995, 354-367, 364.

Driessen, Van de Ven en Wasser 2000 (noot 23), 233-234, 244, 258-260.

G. Derks, ‘Ruimtelijke transformaties van landgoederen’, in: Storms-Smeets 2011 (noot 16), 104-113.

J.F. Oosten Slingeland, ‘De financiering van het Geldersch Landschap’, in: G.G. Steur e.a., Acht zwerfstenen uit het Gelders landschap, Arnhem 1979, 176-193, 189-191; K. Verrips-Roukens, Over heren en boeren. Een Sallands landgoed 1800-1977, ’s-Gravenhage 1982, 145-147.

Streekplan Veluwe, vastgesteld door Provinciale Staten van Gelderland op 17 januari 1979, Arnhem 1979, 51.

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Snijders en Dansen 1989 (noot 20), 42-44, 164-175.

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Zie ook E. Storms-Smeets, ‘De sociale geografie van het buitenplaatslandschap Gelders Arcadië, Bulletin KNOB 120 (2021) 4, 33-46.

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How to Cite

Thissen, P. (2021). Estate landscapes in Gelderland: Government interventions, past and present. Bulletin KNOB, 120(4), 47–61.



