View Bulletin KNOB 112 (2013) 4

Paul Meurs: Vijftig Jaar Zaanse Schans. Een monumentenreservaat dat geen openluchtmuseum mocht worden. Wido Quist, Timo Nijland: A.L.W.E. van der Veen. Een Delfts mijningenieur in monumentenland.

Published: 2013-12-01


  • The ‘Zaanse Schans’ (Zaandam Sconce) is a ‘reservation’ of transferred monuments and windmills from the Zaan region, which lies just north of Amsterdam. A comparison with open-air museums, however, doesn’t stand up. The site is freely admissible and there are residential areas. The article at hand explores the founding and realisation of the Zaanse Schans. What was unique for the Netherlands was that fifty years ago, moving these monuments was seen as the only option to preserve them. At the time, the typical wooden structures of the Zaan region were rapidly being displaced by industry....

  • Between 1920 and 1940, the engineer A.L.W.E. van der Veen (PhD) was involved in many restorations as a consultant on natural stone, at first under the authority of the National Bureau for Monuments and later as an independent consultant. After his studies in mining engineering at the former Technische Hoogeschool Delft, where he wrote his doctoral thesis on the symmetry of diamond, he became involved with monuments and their preservation. Van der Veen’s geological expertise enabled him to determine the nature and origin of natural stone used in historical buildings and advise on suitable...