In Memoriam dr. ing. Henk Zantkuijl (1925-2012). MaartenJan Hoekstra: Het Plan Zuid in woorden. Veranderende stedebouwkundige begrippen en een onbekende plankaart. Hannes Pieters: Het interieur van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België door de Kortrijkse Kunstwerkstede De Coene. Markante getuige van een wijzigende visie rond representatie. Herman van Bergeijk: ‘Zijn we niet allen verheugd als we weer een nieuwe reis kunnen beginnen?’ D.F. Slothouwer en zijn Prix de Rome reis. Walther Schoonenberg: De Van Houtenmonumenten. Een reconstructie van de werkwijze van Eelke van Houten (1872-1970).
Looking at H.P. Berlage’s famous Plan Zuid (‘South Plan’) for Amsterdam by examining the notions that were used and are still being used to describe his design, we gain new insights into the design, into the notions themselves and into the way in which historic plans and their explanations are to be seen in their interrelatedness. From studying Berlage’s Explanatory Memorandum it immediately becomes clear that the well-known plan that is usually depicted does not reflect the original design. In this presentation map of the Office of Public Works from 1917 the emphasis is on uniform...
In 1905, Dirk Frederik Slothouwer, who was born in the Dutch East Indies, graduated from the Delft Polytechnic School and in 1926 he was appointed full professor there. Today, he is perhaps still known as the writer of various books on the history of architecture. Besides his book about the palaces of Frederik Hendrik, his study of Dutch Renaissance in Denmark is especially noteworthy. With this study he obtained his doctorate in Delft in 1924, making him the first construction engineer to earn that title. His dissertation was mainly the result of literature study and of several journeys...
In the 1930s, as Chief Inspector of the Amsterdam Municipal Building and Housing Department, Eelke van Houten (1872-1970) devoted himself to placing old sculpted gables, salvaged from demolished houses, on newly built houses in Amsterdam’s inner city. He was quite successful in this and continued his efforts even after his retirement, in 1936, with the full support of both the city of Amsterdam and the Planning Authority. Van Houten kept an inventory of all the available gables and made sure that this inventory was distributed among builders, architects and the like, which prompted a...
When the Belgian government decided to build a new Royal Library in the heart of Brussels, named the Albertine Library after King Albert I, they wanted to create a new powerful symbol for the Belgian nation. For this reason, the Albertine was to be realized together with a global redevelopment of the slope between Brussels’ lower and upper town: the so-called Mont des Arts/Kunstberg. Within the urban layout of this new Mont des Arts, a design by the architect Jules Ghobert (1881-1974), the impressive new national library got a prominent position along the new main square. The monumental...