Aimée Albers Designing with ‘direct democracy’. Local residents, architects and the design of urban renewal in Amsterdam, 1970–1990 Thomas H. von der Dunk Tower restorations in the twentieth century Hanneke Ronnes, Wouter van Elburg en Merel Haverman The architecture and perception of the hermitage (1770-1860). The hut, the hermit (doll) and the penchant for solitude in the Dutch landscape garden
Book reviews
Marieke Kuipers (red.), Interieurs van herrijzend Nederland. Binnenruimten van een opkomende welvaartsstaat, 1940-1965 (bespreking Barbara Laan)
Ab Flipse en Abel Streefland (red.), De universitaire campus. Ruimtelijke transformaties van de Nederlandse Universiteiten sedert 1945 (bespreking Bernard Colenbrander)
In the 1970s and ’80s residents and architects in Amsterdam worked together to shape the renewal of their neighbourhood. Working outside traditional planning constraints they initiated a process for designing ‘neighbourhood plans’ that gave priority to affordable housing and minimized disruption to the existing social and urban design structure. Although these neighbourhood plans stood in stark contrast to prevailing political and urban planning ideas, they formed the basis on which urban renewal was realized from the middle of the 1970s. While the focus in the historiography of urban...
During the twentieth century a great many monumental towers and tower terminations were so severely damaged by fire, tempest or war that the question arose as to whether, and if so how, they should be rebuilt. Should it be in the exact same form as before the destruction, or should some other solution be sought? In the latter case, was a return to an earlier (putative) original version preferable to something new? And if the latter, should one opt for contemporary architecture, or was a more historicizing formal idiom desirable?
To what extent was the guideline embraced in 1917...
The hermitage is a little researched and understood garden ornament. The hermitage as a place of solitary retreat occurs from antiquity to the late nineteenth century because it appealed to people in different periods and could be easily adapted to the specific wishes of the noble, religious or intellectual owner and the taste of the age. This article presents new research into the hermitage on Dutch country estates, based on an analysis of for sale notices, primary source research (mainly travellers’ tales) and a review of the literature. The hermitage was a widespread phenomenon in the...
Book reviews
Book review of a book written by Marieke Kuipers (red.)
Book review of a book written by Ab Flipse and Abel Streefland (eds.)