In Memoriam prof. dr. ir. Ruud Meischke (1923-2010). Ruud Meischke, Koen Ottenheym: De herbouw van het huis Amerongen (1673-1685). Simon Groenveld: Een onbekend ontwerp van Pieter Aaronsz. Noorwits. De toren van de Willibrorduskerk in Hulst (1663-1667). M. Farjon: De geheimen van een middeleeuws gebouw. De toren van Leende in woord en beeld ontleed (recensie H. Hundertmark). Karl Kiem: Die Waage: Ein Bautyp des ‘Goldener Jahrhunderts’ in Holland (recensie Ronald Stenvert).
The proceedings during the reconstruction of Amerongen castle in the years 1673-1685 were exceptionally well-documented thanks to the extensive correspondence of the client Godert Adriaan van Reede with his wife Margaretha Turnor, his son, his secretary and his friend Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, and thanks to some well-preserved reports and drawings of the building contractor Hendrick Schut. From the start the client had probably formed a idea of his new castle; its design, however, was supervised by Schut, who was also the building contractor and master carpenter of the work,...
In the night of 19 November 1663 the tower of the Willibrordus church in the city of Hulst burnt down because of a stroke of lightning. Immediately action was taken for restoration of the tower and other heavily damaged parts of the church. This resulted in putting up a completely new tower, because a reconstruction of the former one, where a small warning of 14 bells had hung - likewise destroyed - would not have enough room for two ringing bells and a new carillon of 28 bells, ordered from the famous Amsterdam bell founder François Hemony. During those years Hulst was part of the...