View Bulletin KNOB 110 (2011) 1

In Memoriam prof. dr. ir. Ruud Meischke (1923-2010). Ruud Meischke, Koen Ottenheym: De herbouw van het huis Amerongen (1673-1685). Simon Groenveld: Een onbekend ontwerp van Pieter Aaronsz. Noorwits. De toren van de Willibrorduskerk in Hulst (1663-1667). M. Farjon: De geheimen van een middeleeuws gebouw. De toren van Leende in woord en beeld ontleed (recensie H. Hundertmark). Karl Kiem: Die Waage: Ein Bautyp des ‘Goldener Jahrhunderts’ in Holland (recensie Ronald Stenvert).

Published: 2011-02-01


  • The proceedings during the reconstruction of Amerongen castle in the years 1673-1685 were exceptionally well-documented thanks to the extensive correspondence of the client Godert Adriaan van Reede with his wife Margaretha Turnor, his son, his secretary and his friend Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, and thanks to some well-preserved reports and drawings of the building contractor Hendrick Schut. From the start the client had probably formed a idea of his new castle; its design, however, was supervised by Schut, who was also the building contractor and master carpenter of the work,...

  • In the night of 19 November 1663 the tower of the Willibrordus church in the city of Hulst burnt down because of a stroke of lightning. Immediately action was taken for restoration of the tower and other heavily damaged parts of the church. This resulted in putting up a completely new tower, because a reconstruction of the former one, where a small warning of 14 bells had hung - likewise destroyed - would not have enough room for two ringing bells and a new carillon of 28 bells, ordered from the famous Amsterdam bell founder François Hemony. During those years Hulst was part of the...